What Does the Breast Augmentation Recovery Timeline Look Like?

By Dr. Deane on December 15, 2023 under Breast Augmentation

What Does the Breast Augmentation Recovery Timeline Look Like?

People usually seek to improve their appearance through medical and non-medical procedures for various cosmetic reasons.  One very popular procedure in the plastic surgery world today is breast augmentation. We want you to experience a quick recovery with no complications, so we’ve outlined the details that every patient needs to understand the breast augmentation recovery timeline, plan their schedules, prevent unwanted changes, and protect their health while waiting for stunning results.

Day 1 to 3 Weeks

Many changes happen to the body during the first three weeks after breast augmentation treatment. Patients can expect bruising and swelling, and they must wear an athletic bra or support bra around the clock. By Week 1, projection and rounding improved with less or no pain and swelling. As long as discomfort begins to decrease, patients can enjoy walks. By Week 3, the nipples begin to rise, bottom roundness improves, and one or both implants drop. Itching at the incision sites is normal. As long as the patient doesn’t notice an increase in overall pain and swelling, they usually receive approval to restart lower-body exercises and light activities.

6 to 12 Weeks Out

By Week 6, the nipples become more centralized, and the breasts appear softer and rounder. If the incisions remain closed for a week, they can take baths and submerge in water. At each step, the patient discusses bra management with their physician. By Week 9, rounding improves with continued asymmetry of the nipples and breasts. Patients typically receive clearance to enjoy high-impact activities and upper-body exercise regimens. By Week 12, some patients have healed entirely and enjoy attractive, natural-looking centralized nipples, a final implant drop, and soft, round breasts. That said, many patients continue to need additional time to heal. They typically receive clearance for lifting, running, and more energetic upper-body exercises with a supportive athletic bra. They also begin treatment to minimize the appearance of scars.

6 Months Out

Barring complications, all patients enjoy the most natural-looking results at the half-year mark. Their breasts have roundness in just the right spots, with perfect nipple and breast positioning. They might need to continue treating scars. Yet, they can fully enjoy most, if not all, of their previous physical activities while wearing a well-fitted bra. Patients receive a gentle reminder that aging, pregnancy, menopause, childbirth, weight loss, weight gain, and lifestyle factors like drinking alcohol and smoking can impact their results.

Schedule a Consultation

Dr. Leland M. Deane, MD, FACS, understands that this guide doesn’t cover every question you might have about the experiences you can expect after your breast augmentation procedure. Caring staff members are available to answer your questions and schedule an appointment. Contact us today by phone at (516) 441-7427 or fill out our online form.