What Does the Breast Augmentation Recovery Timeline Look Like?

BY Dr. Deane IN Breast Augmentation NO COMMENTS YET

People usually seek to improve their appearance through medical and non-medical procedures for various cosmetic reasons.  One very popular procedure in the plastic surgery world today is breast augmentation. We want you to experience a quick recovery with no complications, so we’ve outlined the details that every patient needs to understand the breast augmentation recovery

Plastic Surgery Terms You Should Know

BY Dr. Deane IN Body Lift, Breast Augmentation, Breast Lift, Chemical Peel, Facelift, Hair Transplant, Laser Resurfacing, Liposuction, Plastic Surgery, Tummy Tuck NO COMMENTS YET

There are a few plastic surgeries that seem to dominate people’s understanding of this field of medicine, but plastic surgeons like Dr. Leland Deane offer more than the mainline procedures or services that may come to mind. Plastic surgery is never a one-size-fits-all solution to your aesthetic or medical concerns, meaning anyone can find good

Stages of Breast Augmentation Recovery

BY Dr. Deane IN Breast Augmentation NO COMMENTS YET

Much goes into in a breast augmentation, from the choice of material, the implant’s placement, and handling scarring. This procedure is often combined with a mastopexy procedure (breast lift), which lifts the breasts to a higher position on the chest. On Finding a Surgeon Breast augmentation begins with finding the right surgeon, you should always