How To Best Recover From Your Botox Treatment

By Dr. Deane on August 14, 2023 under Botox

How To Best Recover From Your Botox Treatment

Botox treatment is one of the easiest ways of saying goodbye to fine lines and wrinkles. The recovery process is also very quick. Compared to cosmetic surgery that reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, Botox is cheaper and takes less time to recover. Hence, many people have embraced it as a perfect solution for facial wrinkles.

But while the treatment can seem like a dream come true, it’s vital that you follow certain guidelines as you recover to ensure you receive the results you’re looking for and reduce the risk of any complications. Let’s take a look at some of the things you can do during your Botox recovery process.

Avoid Lying Down for the First Four Hours

After receiving a Botox injection, it is normal to feel tired and sore. However, it would help to remain upright for at least four hours after the injection. Laying down can cause problems as it can spread the toxin, leading to bruising at the injection site. It’s advisable to remain on the couch or a comfortable seat and avoid the bed as it can be more tempting.

You can even set an alarm to ensure you don’t miscalculate the timing. Once the four hours are over, you can nap, but ensure you lie on your back if the injection is on your face. Sleeping on your back helps the injections settle into your muscles, giving better and more balanced results.

Avoid Rubbing Your Face

After undergoing Botox, rubbing your skin or applying any pressure around the injection area is prohibited. Having Botox accidentally spread to other parts of the body reduces its effectiveness and will not provide you with the results you’re looking for.

Avoid Makeup and Skin Treatments After Botox

Applying makeup on your face should also be avoided as it can interfere with the healing process. Makeup can find its way into the injection sites and increase the risk of infection and other complications. Wait until the injection sites have completely healed and any redness has gone away before you apply makeup.

Additionally, you’ll want to wait at least one day after your Botox injections before you have any skin treatments. This includes facials, exfoliating scrubs, and facial massages. The longer you wait after you have injections, the more time the Botox will have to settle, ensuring any skin treatment doesn’t affect your results.

Avoid Vigorous Exercises and Alcoholic Beverages

Vigorous exercises can build muscle and help burn calories, but when it comes to Botox, it’s not recommended. Exercise can increase your blood flow and this can lead to more bruising and swelling at the injection sites. On top of that, moving that much could lead the treatment to migrate to unintended areas in the face.  Because of this, you’ll want to avoid any strenuous exercise for at least the first 24 hours after treatment.

Additionally, before any Botox procedure, your provider will advise you against drinking alcohol. This rule should be followed after Botox treatment as well. Because alcohol is a blood thinner, consuming alcohol a day before and after injections can increase the risk of bruising.

Schedule A Consultation Today

Ready to start your journey to a more youthful appearance? Scheduling a consultation with Dr. Leland Deane is a great first step. As an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon, he will ensure all your questions and concerns are addressed and that you understand every step of the procedure.

To schedule a consultation today, call our Garden City, NY office at (516) 441-7427 or use our online contact form.