10 Things to Do to Prepare for Your Liposuction Procedure

By Dr. Deane on November 13, 2023 under Liposuction

10 Things to Do to Prepare for Your Liposuction Procedure

Liposuction is a minimally invasive form of plastic surgery that removes fat from different areas around your body. People often have the procedure on target areas like the abdomen, buttocks, jowls, and neck. The results are often highly effective, but before you go in for the procedure, it’s important to know what to do to prepare to ensure you have the best experience and can achieve the results you’re looking for.

Ten Liposuction Tips You Should Follow

If you’re interested in having liposuction done, it’s important to know how to prepare for the surgery and what to do and what to avoid beforehand. The following tips will ensure success and possibly provide a quicker recovery period.

Manage expectations

Have a clear understanding of what type of results you will obtain. Liposuction is not a magic pill. It only eliminates unwanted fat. It is not considered a weight loss procedure. Let Dr. Deane know your expectations so he can customize the procedure to meet your needs.

Discuss medical history

Ensuring you provide Dr. Deane with your full medical history. With your medical and medication history, he can ensure you are a good candidate for liposuction and that the risks for complications are relatively low.

Ask the right questions

Get all the information you can about the procedure. The more you know, the more comfortable you will be with the process and the less anxiety or worries you will have beforehand. There are no wrong questions you can ask Dr. Deane before your surgery. He’ll answer all your questions and address your concerns during your consultation and prior to the liposuction procedure.

Lose as much weight as you can

Try to be as healthy as you can by surgery day. Dr. Deane will let you know if you need to lose weight and how much he would like you to lose before getting liposuction. The closer you can be to a healthy BMI (body mass index), the better off you’ll be and the fewer complications you’ll be at risk for.

Drink plenty of water

Hydration is important no matter what you’re doing, but it’s especially important when you’re having a surgery like liposuction. Dehydration can cause adverse results during and after the procedure. By ensuring you’re properly hydrated, you reduce the possibility of complications and can improve your final results.

Stop smoking

Smoking can restrict blood flow and interfere with the healing process. Your tissue needs oxygen during the healing process. Because of this, we require patients stop smoking for at least three weeks before and after liposuction.

Arrange to have help post-surgery

Make sure a friend or family member is available to you the day of surgery and a few days after. They will need to drive you to and from surgery, and you will want them to take care of you for the first couple of days after surgery. You will be tired and sore and want to stay in bed, so having this person help you out will be incredibly beneficial to your recovery.

Follow a healthy diet

Eating a healthy diet is always a good idea, but it’s especially important before and after liposuction. It not only helps with the recovery process; it also ensures you’re in the best shape possible.

Schedule time off

You will need to take anywhere from a few days to a week off from your job. You will be sore and tired after the procedure and need time to rest and heal before you go back to work. If you have a physically demanding job, you may need to take even more time off. Dr. Deane will let you know exactly when you can return to work and other daily activities.

Prepare for recovery

You’ll want to make sure your refrigerator is stocked with healthy meals as you will likely not want to cook. You’ll also want to have any prescription medications filled before surgery and get anything else you think you will need to ensure your comfort (pillows, ice packs, etc.).

What To Expect Post-Surgery

After the procedure, you will feel some discomfort, swelling, and bruising. You will have to wear a compression garment for 3-4 weeks, and you may have drainage tubes to catch the excess blood and fluids. After a day or two, the drains can be removed. The swelling should completely subside after a couple of weeks.

If you have any complications like excess pain or infections, you need to reach out to Dr. Deane and our team as soon as possible.

Schedule A Consultation

Are you struggling with excess fat that diet and exercise don’t seem to working on? Liposuction can be the perfect solution for you. To find out more about the liposuction procedure, if it’s right for you, and how to prepare, schedule a consultation today. Call our Garden City, NY office at (516) 441-7427 or use our online contact form. We look forward to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals!